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Elon Musk To Charge $8 for Blue-Tick Verification
Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla Motors recently bought the social media platform Twitter for USD 44 bn.Musk made a dramatic entrance into the Twitter office carrying a sink, just so he could tweet, “Let that sink in.”There had been speculations before about the kind of boss Musk is for his employees at Tesla, but for Twitter employees, he went a step ahead. Within the first 12 hours, Elon fired the top Twitter officials including the previous CEO Parag Agarwal and completely took over the platform.Musk says that these officials had misled him in the past and given him faulty information
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Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla Motors recently bought the social media platform Twitter for USD 44 bn.Musk made a dramatic entrance into the Twitter office carrying a sink, just so he could tweet, “Let that sink in.”There had been speculations before about the kind of boss Musk is for his employees at Tesla, but for Twitter employees, he went a step ahead. Within the first 12 hours, Elon fired the top Twitter officials including the previous CEO Parag Agarwal and completely took over the platform.Musk says that these officials had misled him in the past and given him faulty information […]
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