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Education after Covid-19
The Great Evolution of Education – Life is not going to be the same after COVID-19. This is the reality that each one of us has to face and understand.This lockdown has given us an unexpected yet much needed break; to observe change as an inevitable force. In recent decades, mankind has been like a puny peg, living life on a roller coaster; which is exhilarating and exciting, but on the other hand is wedged on rails. Riding at a phenomenal pace, bearing the crests and falls, he has been tied in a situation from where there is no escape
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The Great Evolution of Education – Life is not going to be the same after COVID-19. This is the reality that each one of us has to face and understand.This lockdown has given us an unexpected yet much needed break; to observe change as an inevitable force. In recent decades, mankind has been like a puny peg, living life on a roller coaster; which is exhilarating and exciting, but on the other hand is wedged on rails. Riding at a phenomenal pace, bearing the crests and falls, he has been tied in a situation from where there is no escape […]
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