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Career InspirationLife ExperienceMedia

Education, Passion, and the Journey of Self-Discovery

“No one ever talks about failures! I will. They are most important on the learning curve; if you haven’t failed, you haven’t tried!”

Abraham Lincoln once said, ” In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.”

There is more to a career than just work! There is more to education than just degrees! Education is a journey, not a destination. It is not a degree you get at the age of seventeen, then at twenty-one and maybe again at twenty-seven; neither is it a credit card which gives you access to the world of fame and success. Education is knowledge; and knowledge must be used to better our lives, to empower us. What good would it be to be an efficient doctor, but one that indulges in domestic violence in the privacy of their home? Or, to top every examination, only to end up a slob? Education is the key that opens doors to newer horizons and shuts them on failures.

No one ever talks about failures! I will. They are most important on the learning curve; if you haven’t failed, you haven’t tried! Failure is a judgement you set on your actions. For example, if I want to start a food truck, but am incapable of consistent good quality food, or retaining good staff, or handling money wisely, or simply have no idea about being an entrepreneur! It is still better to jump in and learn from failures, rather than to stand on the sidelines like a fence sitter. It is the battleground on which the human spirit grows! Every time you discover what you don’t like, you get closer to what you do like! Attitude is key! In life, Attitude and Gratitude are the keys to creating a life of value! One could be a famous doctor, lawyer, chef, actor, or scientist and be able to command attention from the vantage point of success. But what good is it if it cannot impact and inspire the world? Finally, all great men are those who impact the world, who mentor youth to be the best version of themselves! We all are unique and discovering what is special about us; discovering where our talents lie, where our passion lies is a journey – a journey of self-discovery! Education gives us the ability to grasp and learn and understand that no one is inferior to the other.

“We all are unique and discovering what is special about us; discovering where our talents lie, where our passion lies is a journey – a journey of self-discovery!”

I work a lot with youth of all ages, from age 5 to age 75 (yes! Those with a youthful spirit are still young!) and I always caution them, a career you need to have, to do. But in so doing, do not lose the passion that is born of the spirit! That colors your life! I know an excellent eye surgeon, who is also a passionate singer and guitarist. He brings the same zest for life to his work. I hear Mozart when I sit in his clinic and I always see a smile on his face! His passion drives his life, not just his career. And he is a travel buff; I tell all young people, “Please travel, by train, by car, by plane! Anywhere… keep the adventure of discovery alive! The closer we embrace the world, the more of her gifts she bestows on us!”

And who says, a career and passion can’t go hand in hand?

And who says, one can’t change a career after 50!?

And who says, life is written in stone…

Next time you go into Starbucks, ask them for a double shot of passion with your Espresso!


  • Bubbles Sabharwal

    Bubbles Sabharwal is a published author, director, playwright, columnist, and businesswoman. She is co-director of two theatre groups Kidsworld, for children, and Theatreworld, for adults. She has published the novel ‘Tomorrow’s Promise’ and book of children’s adventure stories ‘The Curse of the Broken Step’ and ‘Nizam’s Jewels’, which she co-authored. Bubbles has also acted in the movies ‘No One Killed Jessica’ and ‘Veere di Wedding’, as well as in the play she wrote for stage, ‘Women in Black’. She has been awarded by the ICUNR for her contribution to the world of art and culture.

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