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Find Your Voice and Serve With Impact
‘‘Finding Your Voice’ is about finding YOUR authentic vibration and then playing ‘tunes’ in your way – and what I mean by ‘tunes’ are the ‘Songs of Life’, how you play life! ‘Before we begin to unravel how to Find Your Voice and Serve With Impact, let’s first get clear what this really means and why it’s so critical, for not only achieving success but even more so for experiencing fulfilment.I like to break it into two obvious parts, yet there is actually a third part too:Part 1: Finding Your VoicePart 2: Serving With Impact Part 3: Creating Your Legacy
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‘‘Finding Your Voice’ is about finding YOUR authentic vibration and then playing ‘tunes’ in your way – and what I mean by ‘tunes’ are the ‘Songs of Life’, how you play life! ‘Before we begin to unravel how to Find Your Voice and Serve With Impact, let’s first get clear what this really means and why it’s so critical, for not only achieving success but even more so for experiencing fulfilment.I like to break it into two obvious parts, yet there is actually a third part too:Part 1: Finding Your VoicePart 2: Serving With Impact Part 3: Creating Your Legacy […]
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