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From Impossible to Possible, Through Yoga
I met Guruji, Dr. B.K.S. Iyengar in 1996, at the lowest point in my life; and there was no looking back after that. After suffering for almost 12 years and being virtually bedridden, when I had to use a wheelchair I felt that all doors had closed for me. I felt utterly helpless and hopeless. Doctors said that I could never ever live a normal life again. Spinal surgery was presented as my last option, as I had suffered a slipped disc at the age of 15; and as no x-ray revealed this at the time, the condition was not
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I met Guruji, Dr. B.K.S. Iyengar in 1996, at the lowest point in my life; and there was no looking back after that. After suffering for almost 12 years and being virtually bedridden, when I had to use a wheelchair I felt that all doors had closed for me. I felt utterly helpless and hopeless. Doctors said that I could never ever live a normal life again. Spinal surgery was presented as my last option, as I had suffered a slipped disc at the age of 15; and as no x-ray revealed this at the time, the condition was not […]
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