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Q&A with Tatiana Kolovou
As a Senior Lecturer at the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, Tatiana Kolovou teaches Business Communication and Cross Cultural Communication to undergrads and MBA students. Tatiana is a professional speaker, trainer and LinkedIn Author, having authored 16 courses in the LinkedIn library, including the best-selling Communication Tips, which has over 2 million views. Born and raised in Athens, Greece, Tatiana has been based in the US for the last 35 years.We had a great opportunity to talk with Tatiana about the importance of first impressions and how one can work on improving their communication skills.Q1. From a professional standpoint,
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As a Senior Lecturer at the Kelley School of Business, Indiana University, Tatiana Kolovou teaches Business Communication and Cross Cultural Communication to undergrads and MBA students. Tatiana is a professional speaker, trainer and LinkedIn Author, having authored 16 courses in the LinkedIn library, including the best-selling Communication Tips, which has over 2 million views. Born and raised in Athens, Greece, Tatiana has been based in the US for the last 35 years.We had a great opportunity to talk with Tatiana about the importance of first impressions and how one can work on improving their communication skills.Q1. From a professional standpoint, […]
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