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UGC to Introduce Regional Language Courses
The University Grants Commission is a statutory government body that works for the coordination, determination, and maintenance of standards of teaching, examination, and research in university education. The UGC has decided to come up with undergraduate and postgraduate courses in regional languages in all disciplines. This will be applicable in all fields, including commerce, the humanities, and science, and will be implemented across the whole country. This decision is made in collaboration with the Bhartiya Bhasha Samiti and the higher education regulator. The Bhartiya Bhasha Samiti is a panel of experts under the Union ministry of education to promote Indian languages. Under
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The University Grants Commission is a statutory government body that works for the coordination, determination, and maintenance of standards of teaching, examination, and research in university education. The UGC has decided to come up with undergraduate and postgraduate courses in regional languages in all disciplines. This will be applicable in all fields, including commerce, the humanities, and science, and will be implemented across the whole country. This decision is made in collaboration with the Bhartiya Bhasha Samiti and the higher education regulator. The Bhartiya Bhasha Samiti is a panel of experts under the Union ministry of education to promote Indian languages. Under […]
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