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5 Gadgets Every Student Must Have
Our reliance on technology has increased significantly in recent years, particularly for students in school or college. These individuals rely on devices such as phones and laptops for various tasks, including accessing study materials, conducting research, taking notes, and participating in online classes, particularly during the current pandemic. In addition to phones and laptops, there are other useful gadgets that can help students stay organized and make their lives easier.Some of these gadgets are:1. Smart NotebookWe are so used to writing everything using a keypad that writing with a pen and paper sounds hectic. A smart notebook gives you the
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Our reliance on technology has increased significantly in recent years, particularly for students in school or college. These individuals rely on devices such as phones and laptops for various tasks, including accessing study materials, conducting research, taking notes, and participating in online classes, particularly during the current pandemic. In addition to phones and laptops, there are other useful gadgets that can help students stay organized and make their lives easier.Some of these gadgets are:1. Smart NotebookWe are so used to writing everything using a keypad that writing with a pen and paper sounds hectic. A smart notebook gives you the […]
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