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Australia Signs New Trade Deal with India
The Australian Parliament has passed a new trade deal with India this week, which signals a green light for Australia to reduce its dependency on China. The two-way trade between Australia and India might have only been USD 27.5 bn last year, which is very little as compared to the USD 251 bn between Australia and China, but still, it is a huge opportunity for Australia.At present, China is Australia’s largest trading partner, with a 33% share of its exports and a 27% share of its imports, compared to India’s 3.7% share of its exports and a 2.4% share of
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The Australian Parliament has passed a new trade deal with India this week, which signals a green light for Australia to reduce its dependency on China. The two-way trade between Australia and India might have only been USD 27.5 bn last year, which is very little as compared to the USD 251 bn between Australia and China, but still, it is a huge opportunity for Australia.At present, China is Australia’s largest trading partner, with a 33% share of its exports and a 27% share of its imports, compared to India’s 3.7% share of its exports and a 2.4% share of […]
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