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Personal DevelopmentSelf AwarenessSelf-Help

Challenging the Challenges

The only way to move forward is to challenge the challenges. Each challenge tests you and tests your ability to deal with it – each challenge should also teach you how far you can push yourself. There will be times when you feel like you have hit rock bottom. The question is not whether it is actually rock bottom or not, the question is – does one believe that they can rise and take one more step? The question is not how far one can go; the question is, even after two steps back can we take one step forward? This is a premium article. Please subscribe or log in to read the full story! Become a Premium Member Not sure yet? Get 7-Day Free Trial Access and explore premium articles along with the latest digital magazine edition at no cost! No Credit Card needed. Start Your Free Trial Now

The only way to move forward is to challenge the challenges. Each challenge tests you and tests your ability to deal with it – each challenge should also teach you how far you can push yourself. There will be times when you feel like you have hit rock bottom. The question is not whether it is actually rock bottom or not, the question is – does one believe that they can rise and take one more step? The question is not how far one can go; the question is, even after two steps back can we take one step forward?

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