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Emerging Digital Media Careers in India
Careers in digital media are the next big thing in the technological era. Everyone is looking for a job where they can explore their creativity and skills while earning a decent living.On average, India adds 12 million people to its workforce every year. As automation makes inroads into the job market, humans are competing with machines to keep up. That’s one reason why more and more careers in the digital field are emerging every day.Digital media involves technology like the internet and electronic devices to create content, such as audio and video, websites, social media, and video games. This industry
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Careers in digital media are the next big thing in the technological era. Everyone is looking for a job where they can explore their creativity and skills while earning a decent living.On average, India adds 12 million people to its workforce every year. As automation makes inroads into the job market, humans are competing with machines to keep up. That’s one reason why more and more careers in the digital field are emerging every day.Digital media involves technology like the internet and electronic devices to create content, such as audio and video, websites, social media, and video games. This industry […]
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