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Career InspirationLife ExperienceMedia

For the Love of Travel and Photography

Travelling – it leaves you speechless and turns you into a story teller.

 – Ibn Battuta

Travel and you will explore the beauty of this world; where every place will excite you and give new experiences and create memories that will not only bring peace to your mind, but keep your heart happy. My love for photography was innate. I believed in a simple philosophy – anything that is beautiful should be captured and kept in the memory. Today the world is full of opportunities that once were never thought of. Look around and with a little commitment you can turn your dream into reality. In following this profession I have been able to travel to many countries. I experienced locations that I, as a tourist, wouldn’t have cared to go to. I remember once when I had gone to New Zealand for a shoot and my team and I trekked to Mt. Cook with all our heavy equipment since there was no mode of transport available, simply so that we could create memories for the people we were shooting for.

We travelled to Death Valley, Nevada – in the middle of nowhere – for the sheer amazement of it. We waited hours for sunrises and sunsets while indulging in the pleasure of watching the beauty of the wonders created by god. I roamed in the streets of Venice to capture the romance in its old culture. I have shot in the deserts of Dubai, leaving a part of me there. I have been a part of the memories of couples whose life’s journey is just about to begin.

Shooting is my passion – but it takes an incredible amount of patience, commitment and the heart of a wanderer to get out of your comfort zone and experience the treats this world has to offer. Every place has a uniqueness, just waiting to be explored by a photographer’s perspective. You can weave the story that you want your pictures to tell. Nothing inspires me more than interesting people and gorgeous places, and when you combine the two it is pure magic, and you freeze that time to create memories that will last forever.

Being a fashion and a travel photographer has its own perks. All you need is a good camera and an eye for your surroundings. You become an independent storyteller and your imagination has no boundaries. But there is lot of hard work needed to get there.


  • Anjay Thakur

    Anjay Thakur holds a commercial pilot license from USA and is an Airbus A 320 type rated pilot. He was always passionate about photography and gradually his hobby became a full-time profession. He has worked as a fashion and advertising photographer, and has also shot publicity pictures for Bollywood movies. His professional expeditions also led him into the genre of landscape photography.

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