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IITs, IIMs to Add Humanities to Curriculum
IITs and IIMs have, in a way, always overlooked Humanities and the Social Sciences. Their focus was on teaching Science, Technology and Management. This is set to change in the upcoming years. The need for graduates in subjects other than their regular curriculum is increasing in the recent times. This has made it is necessary for these institutions to produce “well-rounded individuals” rather than just plain graduates.A thorough understanding of our society, the polity, economy and history is also important, not just the knowledge of software programs and scientific equations. Humanities’ courses like English, Economics and Philosophy were always a
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IITs and IIMs have, in a way, always overlooked Humanities and the Social Sciences. Their focus was on teaching Science, Technology and Management. This is set to change in the upcoming years. The need for graduates in subjects other than their regular curriculum is increasing in the recent times. This has made it is necessary for these institutions to produce “well-rounded individuals” rather than just plain graduates.A thorough understanding of our society, the polity, economy and history is also important, not just the knowledge of software programs and scientific equations. Humanities’ courses like English, Economics and Philosophy were always a […]
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