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International Higher Education in Unprecedented Times
“International education has been such an enriching benefit of our interdependent world as we knew it – exploring cultural diversity where core values are challenged”International education has developed rapidly over the past decade, as advances in global travel and technology have made the world more accessible, both physically and digitally.However, we now live in unprecedented and uncertain times with the Covid-19 pandemic enveloping civilisations throughout the world, indiscriminate of nationality, colour, race, religion and location. Not only have we been forced to adapt our behaviours rapidly against a real threat to humankind, but we have developed an isolationist mind-set, adopting
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“International education has been such an enriching benefit of our interdependent world as we knew it – exploring cultural diversity where core values are challenged”International education has developed rapidly over the past decade, as advances in global travel and technology have made the world more accessible, both physically and digitally.However, we now live in unprecedented and uncertain times with the Covid-19 pandemic enveloping civilisations throughout the world, indiscriminate of nationality, colour, race, religion and location. Not only have we been forced to adapt our behaviours rapidly against a real threat to humankind, but we have developed an isolationist mind-set, adopting […]
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