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My Unconventional Corporate Journey
“Take time out for yourself to learn a new skill every couple of years, no matter what. It keeps you mentally active, refreshed, and energized”Flashback to 2008 – I was at my organization’s long service awards dinner, wondering how much longer I would be in the organization. I was a recipient of one of the five-year awards and thinking to myself, like any other millennial (if I may call myself that), I might stay here for another year or two. Who would have thought that thirteen years later – yes you are reading this correctly – eighteen years in total,
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“Take time out for yourself to learn a new skill every couple of years, no matter what. It keeps you mentally active, refreshed, and energized”Flashback to 2008 – I was at my organization’s long service awards dinner, wondering how much longer I would be in the organization. I was a recipient of one of the five-year awards and thinking to myself, like any other millennial (if I may call myself that), I might stay here for another year or two. Who would have thought that thirteen years later – yes you are reading this correctly – eighteen years in total, […]
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