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So You Want To Be a DJ?
I always had an affinity towards music, but never thought of DJing as a career option. Like most children, I loved to sing and dance, and I loved music. I was fascinated by Bollywood and imagined myself as an actor or a singer. During the late nineties, DJing was an upcoming profession and not well known in India. Since I had a keen interest in music, my dad advised me to try my hand at it. He was the one who made me think in the direction of taking it up as a serious career! I will always be thankful
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I always had an affinity towards music, but never thought of DJing as a career option. Like most children, I loved to sing and dance, and I loved music. I was fascinated by Bollywood and imagined myself as an actor or a singer. During the late nineties, DJing was an upcoming profession and not well known in India. Since I had a keen interest in music, my dad advised me to try my hand at it. He was the one who made me think in the direction of taking it up as a serious career! I will always be thankful […]
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