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The ‘Business’ of Giving Back
“ a world that is ever conscious of our global footprint both environmentally and socially, companies are being forced to re-evaluate their contribution to the sustainability of our communities and the planet as a whole”A community is only as strong as the businesses that support it. In this post-COVID business world, we are recognizing that our businesses can no longer be islands of isolation, fiercely guarding our IP, operating in the cattle chutes of customer retention, competition and profit-making. While these elements are important to the strength and success of a business, corporate social responsibility and ‘giving back’ is becoming
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“ a world that is ever conscious of our global footprint both environmentally and socially, companies are being forced to re-evaluate their contribution to the sustainability of our communities and the planet as a whole”A community is only as strong as the businesses that support it. In this post-COVID business world, we are recognizing that our businesses can no longer be islands of isolation, fiercely guarding our IP, operating in the cattle chutes of customer retention, competition and profit-making. While these elements are important to the strength and success of a business, corporate social responsibility and ‘giving back’ is becoming […]
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