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UPSC Recruitment 2024: Over 300 Government Jobs Up for Grabs – Apply Now!

UPSC Recruitment 2024 offers over 300 government job vacancies, including Specialist Grade III Assistant Professors and Deputy Superintending Archaeologists. Apply online by June 13, 2024, for a secure and prestigious career in public service. Read an inspiring IAS officer’s journey in the April 2024 issue of Career Ahead.

The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) has announced a golden opportunity for job seekers in India with its 2024 recruitment drive. This year, UPSC offers over 300 vacancies in various government departments, including Specialist Grade III Assistant Professor, Deputy Superintending Archaeologist, and Civil Hydrographic Officer. With the deadline approaching June 13, 2024, prospective candidates must act swiftly to secure their chance at these prestigious positions.

Overview of the UPSC Recruitment 2024

The UPSC is known for its rigorous selection process and the high standards it maintains for its recruits. The 2024 recruitment drive is no exception, aiming to fill critical roles across multiple departments. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what you need to know:

Positions and Vacancies

The recruitment encompasses a diverse range of positions:

  • Specialist Grade III Assistant Professor (Cardiology): 27 vacancies
  • Deputy Superintending Archaeologist: 25 vacancies
  • Civil Hydrographic Officer: 12 vacancies

Other positions include Senior Scientific Officers, Medical Officers, and more, totaling over 300 vacancies. Each role has specific eligibility criteria, qualifications, and experience requirements.

Eligibility Criteria

Eligibility varies significantly based on the position applied for. However, general eligibility includes:

  • Educational Qualifications: Vary from graduate degrees to specific professional qualifications relevant to the job.
  • Experience: Certain positions require professional experience in the field.
  • Age Limit: Typically ranges from 21 to 40 years, with age relaxations for reserved categories as per government norms.

Application Process

The application process is entirely online, and candidates must follow these steps:

  1. Registration: Visit the official UPSC website and complete the registration process.
  2. Filling the Application Form: Carefully fill in personal details, educational qualifications, and job preferences.
  3. Document Upload: Upload scanned copies of necessary documents, including educational certificates, photographs, and signature.
  4. Fee Payment: Pay the application fee of Rs 25. SC/ST/PwBD/Women candidates are exempted from the fee.
  5. Submission: Submit the form and take a printout for future reference.

Selection Process

The selection process includes:

  • Written Examination: Objective-type tests based on the job role.
  • Interview: Candidates who qualify for the written exam are called for an interview.
  • Document Verification: Final stage to confirm eligibility and qualifications.

Key Dates to Remember

  • Application Start Date: May 29, 2024
  • Application End Date: June 13, 2024
  • Exam Date: To be announced

Tips for Aspiring Candidates

Preparing for UPSC exams requires a strategic approach:

  1. Understand the Syllabus: Thoroughly understand the syllabus for the specific position you are applying for.
  2. Study Material: Utilize standard textbooks and online resources. UPSC’s previous year’s question papers can be particularly helpful.
  3. Time Management: Allocate specific time slots for each subject and stick to a study schedule.
  4. Mock Tests: Regularly take mock tests to assess your preparation and improve time management.

Benefits of Joining UPSC Roles

Working in a UPSC position offers numerous benefits:

  • Job Security: Government jobs are known for their stability.
  • Attractive Salary: Competitive pay scales along with regular increments.
  • Additional Perks: Health benefits, housing allowances, and retirement benefits.
  • Prestige: UPSC jobs are highly respected and offer a chance to serve the nation.

In the April 2024 issue of Career Ahead, we feature “UPSC Aspirant to Achiever – My Story,” where Kalpana Kumari shares her transformative journey from a confused graduate to an accomplished IAS officer. Her candid narrative highlights the challenges she faced, including career missteps and rigorous exam preparation, ultimately leading to her success in the UPSC exams. Kalpana’s story is an inspiring testament to perseverance, strategic planning, and emotional resilience, offering valuable insights for all aspiring civil servants.

The UPSC Recruitment 2024 is a significant opportunity for individuals seeking a rewarding career in government service. With over 300 vacancies across various departments, this recruitment drive promises diverse roles and opportunities to contribute to the country’s development. Aspiring candidates should prepare meticulously and ensure timely submission of applications to seize this opportunity.


  • Career Ahead

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