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To the Class of 2020 – Dare to Dream
“When you are faced with an uncertain future or when suddenly the path you are on takes an unexpected turn, it is advisable to explore a wide variety of options rather than sticking single-mindedly to one”Within a few short months, the world has transformed. Such unexpected events disrupt our routines, our plans, our goals. The pandemic has caught us unawares and with increased uncertainty it has impacted the graduating students immensely. In my interaction with several students I have realised that many of them are shattered as their plans have all gone out of the window, and they are concerned
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“When you are faced with an uncertain future or when suddenly the path you are on takes an unexpected turn, it is advisable to explore a wide variety of options rather than sticking single-mindedly to one”Within a few short months, the world has transformed. Such unexpected events disrupt our routines, our plans, our goals. The pandemic has caught us unawares and with increased uncertainty it has impacted the graduating students immensely. In my interaction with several students I have realised that many of them are shattered as their plans have all gone out of the window, and they are concerned […]
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