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USA: A Dream Deferred?
Globally we have been facing an unprecedented time in history with the outbreak of the Corona Virus. After many lockdown iterations in India – we have entered an “Un-lock” phase which is bringing about its own set of challenges. One of the industries reeling from the impact of this global pandemic is International Education; with travel restrictions imposed, Embassies and Consulates closed; many campuses globally and in the US are now opting for online delivery of the Fall 2020 intake. This has resulted in a lot of uncertainty and doubt regarding students’ plans to study abroad. Luckily, my current organization
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Globally we have been facing an unprecedented time in history with the outbreak of the Corona Virus. After many lockdown iterations in India – we have entered an “Un-lock” phase which is bringing about its own set of challenges. One of the industries reeling from the impact of this global pandemic is International Education; with travel restrictions imposed, Embassies and Consulates closed; many campuses globally and in the US are now opting for online delivery of the Fall 2020 intake. This has resulted in a lot of uncertainty and doubt regarding students’ plans to study abroad. Luckily, my current organization […]
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