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Insight into Pursuing Liberal Arts
Liberal arts education is a traditional academic course in western higher education. In earlier times, the main aim of a liberal arts education was to produce a person who was virtuous and ethical, knowledgeable in many fields, and highly articulate. In today’s context, the liberal arts degree is intended to develop well-rounded individuals with general knowledge of a wide range of subjects and mastery of a range of transferrable skills.From earlier times to the present, the core matter of the traditional liberal arts curriculum remains the same, but the modern liberal arts curriculum allows the students to study and explore
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Liberal arts education is a traditional academic course in western higher education. In earlier times, the main aim of a liberal arts education was to produce a person who was virtuous and ethical, knowledgeable in many fields, and highly articulate. In today’s context, the liberal arts degree is intended to develop well-rounded individuals with general knowledge of a wide range of subjects and mastery of a range of transferrable skills.From earlier times to the present, the core matter of the traditional liberal arts curriculum remains the same, but the modern liberal arts curriculum allows the students to study and explore […]
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