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10 Essential Books Every College Student Should Read
As a collegegoer, books are an important part of your life. You carry a world in your hands that can be entertaining, yet full of insights, and can help you make sense of the world around you as you welcome various transformations in your own life. They widen your vocabulary, help find new ideas and models for academic writing, improve your cognitive skills, and expose you to conflicting yet enthralling new ideas that may help you shape your principles and thinking in a new way. They help widen the horizons of your mind as you draw inspiration from people, ideas,
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As a collegegoer, books are an important part of your life. You carry a world in your hands that can be entertaining, yet full of insights, and can help you make sense of the world around you as you welcome various transformations in your own life. They widen your vocabulary, help find new ideas and models for academic writing, improve your cognitive skills, and expose you to conflicting yet enthralling new ideas that may help you shape your principles and thinking in a new way. They help widen the horizons of your mind as you draw inspiration from people, ideas, […]
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