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FAILURE: The F-Word That Will Never Let You Down
Don’t let failure or its multiple synonyms ever get you down. If you look closer, you’ll find something to look forward to, every single time. More than a decade and half ago, yes that long ago, I thought my career would never take off. I would never be what I want to be, never do anything worthwhile with my life. You see, what happened was that my then boyfriend got into IIMC (Indian Institute of Mass Communication) while I was still struggling to figure out a way of making it to my MA classes. What was worse was that I had
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Don’t let failure or its multiple synonyms ever get you down. If you look closer, you’ll find something to look forward to, every single time. More than a decade and half ago, yes that long ago, I thought my career would never take off. I would never be what I want to be, never do anything worthwhile with my life. You see, what happened was that my then boyfriend got into IIMC (Indian Institute of Mass Communication) while I was still struggling to figure out a way of making it to my MA classes. What was worse was that I had […]
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