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Finding My Purpose – A Winding Path
I have often spoken at various forums about the numerous initiatives that I and Karma Lakelands, my current company, have been taking up on environmental issues. Though I was a nature lover since childhood, it was a long and winding path that led me to become the committed environmentalist that I am today. I’d like to reflect on how I reached this point and how various experiences helped shape my journey.My parents were migrants from Pakistan and my father tried his hand at a number of businesses before finally starting a lottery business. As a young student in an Anglo-Indian
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I have often spoken at various forums about the numerous initiatives that I and Karma Lakelands, my current company, have been taking up on environmental issues. Though I was a nature lover since childhood, it was a long and winding path that led me to become the committed environmentalist that I am today. I’d like to reflect on how I reached this point and how various experiences helped shape my journey.My parents were migrants from Pakistan and my father tried his hand at a number of businesses before finally starting a lottery business. As a young student in an Anglo-Indian […]
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