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Google changes its Chrome logo for the first time in eight years
Google has made a minor adjustment to the Chrome logo, the first change in eight years after it was given a new look in 2014.The circle in the famous logo has gotten a little bigger and a new shade of subtle gradient (that most people won’t even notice) was added to the main icon. This was done to supposedly reduce the friction caused by placing certain shades of green and red, next to each other. Author Career Ahead Career Ahead, the flagship handle of Career Ahead Magazine, is dedicated to molding the next generation of professionals and entrepreneurs. Our mission
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Google has made a minor adjustment to the Chrome logo, the first change in eight years after it was given a new look in 2014.The circle in the famous logo has gotten a little bigger and a new shade of subtle gradient (that most people won’t even notice) was added to the main icon. This was done to supposedly reduce the friction caused by placing certain shades of green and red, next to each other. Author Career Ahead Career Ahead, the flagship handle of Career Ahead Magazine, is dedicated to molding the next generation of professionals and entrepreneurs. Our mission […]
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