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Learning the Law: An Engaging Five-Year Odyssey
The year was 2016, and the day was the 23rd of April… It had been a fortnight since one of the biggest and most engaging challenges in my teenage years had been done and dusted with and the sheer state of rhapsody that it produced in my mind even two weeks later was nothing short of sheer bliss.However, I did realize that relaxing for too long wasn’t going to help me along my path to accomplish what I wanted most; to be an independent, working man ready to face the challenges of an exigent work ethos. The only thing that
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The year was 2016, and the day was the 23rd of April… It had been a fortnight since one of the biggest and most engaging challenges in my teenage years had been done and dusted with and the sheer state of rhapsody that it produced in my mind even two weeks later was nothing short of sheer bliss.However, I did realize that relaxing for too long wasn’t going to help me along my path to accomplish what I wanted most; to be an independent, working man ready to face the challenges of an exigent work ethos. The only thing that […]
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