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QS Rankings: Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru & Chennai among 130 best student cities globally
Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru and Chennai have made it to the list of top 130 cities for international students, according to the recent QS rankings. The QS Best Student Cities Ranking, released few days ago, has placed Mumbai as the highest-ranked city in India.Mumbai, which has a global ranking of 103, gets a high score in ‘affordability’ parameter but struggles in ‘student mix’ and ‘desirability’. It is followed by Bengaluru (114). India doubled its representation with two new entries this year — Chennai (125) and Delhi (129).International students represent only a small fraction of the overall student body in India. India
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Delhi, Mumbai, Bengaluru and Chennai have made it to the list of top 130 cities for international students, according to the recent QS rankings. The QS Best Student Cities Ranking, released few days ago, has placed Mumbai as the highest-ranked city in India.Mumbai, which has a global ranking of 103, gets a high score in ‘affordability’ parameter but struggles in ‘student mix’ and ‘desirability’. It is followed by Bengaluru (114). India doubled its representation with two new entries this year — Chennai (125) and Delhi (129).International students represent only a small fraction of the overall student body in India. India […]
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