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To Canada or Not to Canada, That Is the Question, Eh?
“The Canadian government has set up an ambitious target of 1.2 million new immigrants in the next three years, despite the global pandemic. 60% of the newcomers are going to be from India, followed by China and the Philippines”The Canadian government has set up an ambitious target of 1.2 million new immigrants in the next three years, despite the global pandemic. 60% of the newcomers are going to be from India, followed by China and the Philippines. This is a unique opportunity for those dreaming of experiencing a new country with clean air, the largest freshwater lakes in the world,
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“The Canadian government has set up an ambitious target of 1.2 million new immigrants in the next three years, despite the global pandemic. 60% of the newcomers are going to be from India, followed by China and the Philippines”The Canadian government has set up an ambitious target of 1.2 million new immigrants in the next three years, despite the global pandemic. 60% of the newcomers are going to be from India, followed by China and the Philippines. This is a unique opportunity for those dreaming of experiencing a new country with clean air, the largest freshwater lakes in the world, […]
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