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Studying in the United Kingdom
As a student who had just finished high school, I was not keen on conforming to the ‘norm’ of having a degree. To me, it was more of a societal norm than a genuine requirement in terms of gaining knowledge and a practical education. I continued to feel this way till the time I discovered a university in the UK that offered a Bachelor’s degree with honours in Make-up and Hair Design. On my arrival in the small city that would be my home for three years, I was a bit confused. The weather is always a hot topic in the
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As a student who had just finished high school, I was not keen on conforming to the ‘norm’ of having a degree. To me, it was more of a societal norm than a genuine requirement in terms of gaining knowledge and a practical education. I continued to feel this way till the time I discovered a university in the UK that offered a Bachelor’s degree with honours in Make-up and Hair Design. On my arrival in the small city that would be my home for three years, I was a bit confused. The weather is always a hot topic in the […]
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